Monday, October 23, 2017

A torture

It is a torture to spend nine hours each day in the office without getting anything to do while watching other colleagues busy picking up telephone calls, rushing urgent documents with tight schedule etc.
Without a task on the to-do list, without a meeting on the schedule and without any person to discuss or talk to, even on the most trivial and mundane things. Everything happens in the office seems so unrelated to me. If I was an intern, the best thing I could hope for might be the arrival of the day when I could leave the office forever and head back to my university. 

The dull working environment is unbearable and very often, I can’t help but start thinking the purposes of coming here very early in the morning and leaving late in the evening. Perhaps, I come here just to sign my attendance and get a pay check that barely keep myself survive in one of the nations with highest living standard and in return I give up my 9 hours per day doing something which is obviously not part of my plan and contribute nothing to my dream in future. Just do it for the sake of survival. 

I used to tell the new acquaintances I met that even working as an engineer seemed “boring” at first sight but the entire career path was full of  interesting and enticing things that many people are willing to spend the rest of their lives doing. Also, it was a rewarding journey. A senior engineer with the many years of valuable experience is much sought after in any company. Job opportunity is never the anxiety of an engineer as there is always greener pasture for those who are willing to explore and work hard. I seem to have forgotten when was the last time I said something like above, it might be years before.

“Always be ready for possible challenges that lay ahead”. This is the quote that I always put in my resume and cover letter. For me, a dull working day is still a day that I should treasure. With the Images that everyone is busy doing something to keep the society functioning, doing nothing during a working day simply makes me guilty of my life for not planning my time properly. It is always better to do something useful in the office, rather than chit-chatting aimlessly or gossiping with others.

(406 words)

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